Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Movie Review: Star Trek

I was lucky enough to get to see an early screening of Star Trek on April 23, 2009. I had to sign a waiver promising not to review the movie online prior to its official release date on May 8,2009 (it actually opened at 7:00 PM on May 7). So, I sat on my hands for two weeks, patiently waiting for the day I could revisit this masterpiece of popcorn cinema. As of today, May 28, 2009, I have seen Star Trek three times and I can't wait to pay it a 4th visit. It is movies like J.J. Abrams Star Trek that makes me so passionate about cinema. Not only is this film an excellent rebirth of a legendary TV and film franchise, it is silver screen storytelling at its finest.

Every aspect of Star Trek- the script, direction, cast, costumes, set design, special effects, music- is sheer perfection. As a writer I am in awe over the never-a-wasted-moment craftsmanship utilized by the film's writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

Ultimately, the legacy of this film will not be any of the virtues you see on screen. Rather, film historians will note that Star Trek was able to pull in fans and non-fans alike. Yes, dear reader, you do not have to understand one tiny bit of Trek lore to enjoy this film. Of course, if you are a long-time fan, you will be rewarded in many wonderful ways.

I will close by saying this about Star Trek: It is not only the best movie I have seen this year, it is the best movie I have seen in many, many years.

May this new iteration of Captain Kirk and crew live long and prosper.


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